The myth of the mystical Phoenix is that when it dies it turns to ashes, those ashes then ignite into a golden flame of rebirth, and the Phoenix lives on, renewed.
Traveling opens the heart, mind, body, and soul through all of its wanderings. Traveling creates the ashes from which the traveler is reborn, and love lights the fire.

I am a backpacker, a social worker, a grateful receiver, an eternal empathizer, a seed growing, an ear listening, a child learning, a sister sharing, an American evolving, a therapist reflecting, a daughter caring, an embrace holding tightly, a friend to all - I am a Traveling Phoenix, experiencing the world that sets my soul on fire with love. Thanks for joining me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Barça 10/7 -10/9

Friday morning Isabela's mom flew in and shortly after I woke up we were off to the airport for Barcelona. First of all, combining my knowledge gathered while in Barcelona and before that in Valencia, I must say that Catalan is one of the weirdest languages ever. They use this letter a lot - ç - which I think makes the "shh" or "ss" sound. They also spell with these letters - gü qü - whereas Spanish doesn't really do that too often. While searching around we were looking for plazas and calles but instead we found plaças and carrers.

The first thing we did when we got there was walk around looking for our hostal. The hostal was really nice for a hostal, I expected something like the hostals we had seen on other trips, but this one was more like a hotel. That was nice to have our own room together instead of staying with strangers who get in at 5am and don't speak your language so when you ask them to turn the lights off or be quiet they just look at you doe-eyed.

In Barcelona we rushed around seeing all that we could in the short time we were there! We went to Gaudí's Casa Batlló, Casa Mila la Pedrera, and we spent a lot of time looking around the most amazing Sagrada Familia. The Sagrada Familia is still under construction and already stands about 120 meters tall right. Once the the Jesus Christ tower if built it will stand 170m tall as its final height, thats 558ft. Apparently it should finish being constructed in my lifetime, but it's still so beautiful without the finishing touches. It can be seen from almost any hill in Barcelona I think, it felt that way at least. Here are some pictures of the Sagrada Familia! I can't wait to go back when I'm an older lady and see this place finished, that is definitely something I hope I can do in this lifetime

If you can picture this being taller than the photo makes it, that's what it will be in the future. The cranes couldn't even reach the height

The picture above isn't so good, but it's the best I have. On the right you'll see a panoramic photo of the ceiling inside the Sagrada Familia. It was the only way I could capture it all at once.

Seriously, I don't think I have ever seen anything so beautiful. The first day we were in Barcelona we went on a bus tour to see everything all at once and then the next day we went on a Gaudi walking tour where we saw a lot of Gaudi's work and finished at the Sagrada Familia. The tour took us around the Sagrada Familia with awesome information about how each side has a purpose and a meaning down to the T! Then when the tour was done we had lunch and went inside the Basilica where we saw all of this amazing architecture. I have never seen a church like that before in my life. Gaudi was both crazy and a genius.

We walked a lot on Saturday, but not as much as Isabela and I normally walk I think. I've gotten pretty used to following her exploring methods. I always get lost and am in pain for some health reason, and Isabela is always knowing where we are and rearing to go on the next adventure. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep up, like the old lady that I am. I'm proud to say my feet have become pretty adjusted and I can follow her lead with a skip in my step now. Besides it's so much more fun when we see everything on her lists that she has everywhere we go.  I never have a list or do research, I don't even know what there is in a lot of places that we've been or plan to go. I had never heard of the Sagrada Familia before coming to Spain, who would have thought. I'm so culturally deprived! But I've also never traveled this much for pleasure before. I usually like to travel with a goal in mind, like volunteering or doing something for the community. Usually I feel guilty when I'm traveling for fun because tourists, other than contributing to the economy, don't really do much good for the local environment. Our trips are also not really like vacations for slowing down and relaxing, they are high speed, full of lots of things to do and see and not very much time to do it. If people could be tourists like we have been than everyone would only need two days in every city in the world. We always manage to see everything we want in a whole city within just a weekend.

While we were in Barcelona we went to the National Museum at night where we saw an amazing water show and had dinner. The water show was probably longer than we thought because we were told it started at 9p, but that was when it finished. Luckily we were early to the "9p" show and had plenty of time to enjoy it, and relax before heading in for the night. This was also where everyone went for the Sensation White party. It's a party where everyone wear's white and there's paint being thrown around. I don't really know much about it. As we were leaving we saw seas of people dressed entirely in white coming in and out of the metro, and busses. It was cool to see that many people matching.

Overall I had a great weekend with Isabela and her mom, just as I expected I would. It's been so nice this week having a mama here, even though she's not my mama. There's just something about mamas that is so calming and refreshing. The other day, Isabela's mom and I went to explore Retiro park and we came across a couple of gardens full of beautiful flowers and one garden specifically for different kinds of Roses from all over the world. I got some good mama advice about slowing down and relaxing more than I do. The whole day made me miss my mom. My mom has a garden and would love to walk around with me for hours and give me advice about life. I can't wait until November when I get to see her and my brother and dad when they come visit and take Isabela and I on a couple more adventures. Having a mama here also made me realize that Isabela and I take really good care of each other. I knew that before, but I didn't realize we're both so motherly towards one another. That's the great thing about living with someone that you love like a sister; there's always family close by.

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